Built in 1933 as a 10' (possibly 40') wooden L-4 tower and garage, the cab was lowered to the ground prior to 1969 and continued to be staffed
as a ground L-4 cab until it was abandoned in 1972. The site is located on private land with no public access. Known lookout personnel: 1928: C.C. Ghormley. 1936: Ernest Gibson; 1942: Donald Schaeffer; 1943: Erwin Wilson; 1946: Earnest Gibson; 1947: Edwin Comstock; 1948: George Crowell; 1949: Pearl Cray; 1951: Ferman Warnock; 1955: Allen Krome; 1956: Stanley Hunsdon; 1957: Robert Shearer; 1961: Lawrence Cary; 1962: Bob Bennett; 1964: Meryl Nuxall; 1967: Gary Green; 1971: Bill Sheirbon.